Tenure track position in Artificial Intelligence for Interacting Intelligent Systems, Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group University of Oulu, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Tenure track position in Artificial Intelligence for Interacting Intelligent Systems, Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group

University of Oulu is an international research and innovation university engaged in multidisciplinary basic research and academic education. The University of Oulu is one of the largest universities in Finland, with 14 000 students and 3 000 employees. The university encompasses ten fields of study: Architecture, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, the Humanities, Education, Economics and Business Studies, Science, Medicine and Dentistry, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Technology and Mining. The University of Oulu researchers contribute to solving global challenges by combining multidisciplinary approaches, high level research and fruitful collaborations in the following five focus areas: 1. Creating sustainability through materials and systems, 2. Molecular and environmental basis for lifelong health, 3. Digital solutions in sensing and interactions, 4. Earth and near-space system and environmental change, 5. Understanding humans in change. Collaboration across scientific fields is strongly encouraged and supported within the University. More information: http://www.oulu.fi/university/.


The following position is open in the University of Oulu:


Tenure Track Position in Artificial Intelligence for Interacting Intelligent Systems


Field and location: To strengthen its profile at international level, the University of Oulu announces a tenure track position in AI for interacting intelligent systems.


The position is placed in the Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (BISG, http://www.oulu.fi/bisg, http://www.oulu.fi/infotech/annual_report/2016/bisg), Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE, http://www.oulu.fi/itee). BISG is a fusion of expertise from the fields of computer science and biology. Our focus is on artificial intelligence, and the research areas include data mining, robotics, software security and bio-IT, with example applications on well-being, in decision support tools for smart manufacturing and environmental monitoring with mobile robots. As a whole, BISG is specialised in critical research areas along the entire chain of intelligent systems: sensing, knowledge acquisition, inference and learning, context awareness, mobile agents and information security.


BISG has also opened the investigation and exploitation of biomimetics with Infotech Oulu project entitled “Sensor Within: Harnessing Human Biology for Sensing Applications”. The aim in this innovative and cutting-edge research program is to advance the step by step strategies to generate novel noninvasive or minimally invasive biosensors of human health and disease.


The successful applicant will join an international and multidisciplinary research community of researchers from multiple faculties and disciplines that collaborates on new ubiquitous technologies and digital solutions.


The tenure track position is in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and in particular, it focuses on biomimetics and interacting hybrid natural-artificial intelligent systems. Specifically, the position is directed towards

  • exploring, modelling and developing novel bio-inspired paradigms in artificial intelligence (derived for example understanding the human brain),
  • where intelligent agents are embedded and embodied in their surroundings, and are interacting,
  • exploiting those paradigms in human as well as machine environments, including human-machine,
  • considering the respective constraints and requirements, and in particular those concerning dependability (safety, security, privacy, etc.).


The successful applicant will be involved in teaching and supervision activities in the own research field and in particular he/she is expected to create and provide related courses to enrich the faculty curriculum. The candidate will also be active in attracting funding internationally as well as nationally.


Due to the nature of the research and because of the expected research results application areas (including industrial processes, health and well-being technologies, robotics), the successful applicant should preferably be familiar with engineering disciplines (electronics, telecommunications, mechanical engineering), to successfully consider not only the intelligent agent but also its working environment. Moreover, because of the multidisciplinary research to be carried, it is expected of the applicant that he/she is familiar with life science, preferably psychiatry or psychology. As for teaching, a pedagogical training is considered an advantage and previous experience in supervision is considered a plus.


The tenure track position will start at earliest 1.10.2018, or later by mutual agreement with the successful applicant, but immediate availability would be beneficial. A trial period of six months is applied in the position.


Required qualifications, job responsibilities and career advancement:


The tenure track position is open to highly talented individuals who hold a doctoral degree and have excellent potential for a successful scientific career. Based on the experience and competence, the successful applicant will be placed at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor or Distinguished Professor in the four-level tenure track system described in the University of Oulu Tenure Track guidelines (http://www.oulu.fi/university/node/38379). Career advancement on the tenure track is based on performance assessments that measure the candidate’s merits.


Assistant Professor: The position of an Assistant Professor is initially a fixed-term position for five years. The position is available for applicants who have finished their doctoral dissertation less than ten years ago and are advancing towards a professional research career. The selection criteria for an assistant professor are the following:

  • research potential and merit applicable to the position to date (publications, especially internationally refereed publications; participating in acquiring external funding/funding granted; connections with the international community in the field);
  • experience of working abroad during the professional research career;
  • demonstrable development of skills is the prerequisite for a continuation period.


Associate Professor: The position of an Associate Professor is initially a fixed-term position for five years. The selection criteria for an associate professor are the following:

  • publications on an international level: dissemination, quality of the publication forums, references to the publications;
  • active role in research training;
  • acquisition of external funding;
  • working in more than one research facility during one’s career (in most fields represented at the University of Oulu this signifies working abroad);
  • an active role in the international scientific community;
  • acknowledgements and awards.


Full Professor: The position of a Full Professor requires high-level scientific or artistic competence, experience in leading scientific research, ability to provide high-level research-based teaching and to supervise final theses, and merit in international co-operation projects in his/her field of expertise. The position of a Full Professor also requires the ability to act as an academic leader. When evaluating the merits of an applicant, his/her scientific publications and other research results with scientific or artistic value, teaching experience and pedagogic training, ability to produce teaching material, other merits as a teacher, teaching demonstrations and supervised doctoral theses shall be taken into consideration. Other factors to be taken into consideration are the active role of the applicant in the scientific community, practical experience in the field where applicable, success in acquiring supplementary research funding, scientific work abroad, international positions, and leadership and interaction skills.


Distinguished Professor: The position of a Distinguished Professor is for especially distinguished applicants who exceed the criteria for Full Professor.


Salary: The salary of the appointed researcher will be based on the demand level chart for the teaching and research staff of Finnish Universities. In addition to the basic salary of the appropriate tenure track level, supplementary salary will be given for personal achievement and performance, the sum rising to a maximum of 46.3% of the basic salary level for the post. The salary thus being roughly 3500–4700 €/month for an Assistant Professor, 4100–5400 €/month for an Associate Professor and 5600–8300 €/month for a Full Professor.


Other benefits: Finland is one of the most livable countries, with a high quality of life, safety, excellent education system, and competitive economy. The successful candidate will receive full benefits provided by the University of Oulu to university employees, including free time corresponding to holidays and free occupational health care services. The successful candidate will receive also benefits provided by the Finnish government to residents, for example possibility to obtain access to the national healthcare system, tax benefits for employees with children and high-quality affordable childcare services.


Applications: Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, should be submitted using the electronic application system by 7.9.2018, 24:00 (Finnish local time). Applications sent by mail will not be considered.


The application should be written in English and the following information needs to be included:

  1. an application letter with contact information
  2. a curriculum vitae following the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (http://www.tenk.fi/en/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae).  A template is available at http://www.tenk.fi/sites/tenk.fi/files/CV_english_270613.pdf).
  3. a list of publications formatted according to the template of the Academy of Finland (http://www.aka.fi/en/funding/how-to-apply/appendices-required/guidelines-for-list-of-publications/),  so that the ten publications most relevant to the position are clearly marked.
  4. a brief account of research merits (max 2 page)
  5. a brief account of teaching merits or a teaching portfolio (max 2 pages)
  6. acquisition of research funds
  7. a brief research and action plan (max 3 pages)
  8. contact details of 2 - 4 persons available for recommendation.


Selection prosedure: The selection procedure will be carried out by an Appointment Committee according to the University of Oulu Tenure Track guidelines (http://www.oulu.fi/university/node/38379).


Contact details: In order to receive the information and announcements concerning the official selection procedures to be followed in order to fill this post, applicants must inform the Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Oulu of their contact details for the whole duration of the selection process: they must specifically provide both their home and work telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers and postal addresses.


For further information and enquiries about this post, and about the application and selection procedures, please contact:

Professor Juha Röning, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group, University of Oulu

P.O. Box 4500, FI-90014 Oulun yliopisto

phone: + 358405181621

email: juha.roning(at)oulu.fi

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